Ram V Chary Tips: How to Manage Remote Employees

Ram V Chary on Effectively Managing Remote Employees

As the trend of remote work continues to gain popularity, it is crucial to recognize the need for a distinct management approach for remote employees compared to those physically present in the workplace. Supervising remote employees poses unique challenges due to their absence from the traditional office setting.


However, the benefits of effectively managing remote employees far outweigh any potential disadvantages. In this insightful article, Ram V Chary delves into practical strategies and techniques to enhance the management of remote employees, providing valuable insights for organizations navigating this evolving work landscape.

Set up effective communication tools

One of the key challenges of managing remote employees is communication. In an office, you can easily communicate in person if you need anything. Remote communication is more challenging and requires you to have multiple communication tools. To make the most of your available tools, make sure you have the means to speak to people directly, such as over the phone, a video conferencing tool, and messaging software. There are new communication tools for businesses that integrate voice and video chat and messaging while also allowing you to send files and organize schedules.


Set clear expectations

When managing individuals in person, there are well-known expectations for employees, such as using appropriate language in the workplace and showing up to work on time. In remote communication, the guidelines aren’t as clear. To get the most out of your remote employees, make sure you set clear expectations for their workload and working hours. That may involve being available to answer messages promptly during working hours, using professional language in emails, and minimizing background noise during conference calls, adds Ram V Chary.

Schedule regular meetings

Since you can’t just bump into a remote employee and casually check in with them, you need to schedule regular one-on-one meetings to keep track of their progress. It can help you get a better idea of their productivity in the workplace and make it easier to measure their progress. It also gives your employees a chance to ask some questions or discuss concerns they may have. Depending on what you need, the regular meetings might be short daily chats, longer weekly meetings, or comprehensive monthly check-ins.

Seasoned business executive Ram V Chary shares his thoughts on how to make workplaces better and more productive on this page.

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