Ram V Chary Reviews Philanthropy in the Business Setting

Ram V Chary: All About Corporate Philanthropy

According to Ram V Chary, philanthropy is a big part of business and the corporate world in general. A lot of times, businesses will give back to the community in order to make themselves look good. That said, there are also a large number of businesses that do it because they believe in it and they want to make an actual difference in the world and the lives of people.


Some people, especially the skeptics, might think that philanthropy is just a way for businesses to get tax deductions, but it doesn’t always work like that. Some businesses never claim the deductions they could get for their philanthropic deeds. It means that for them, it’s not about making money right away but rather doing what they think is best and what they believe is right.

Some businesses do things on a smaller scale, like donating food on Thanksgiving or buying coats to give to homeless people, but there are also a lot of businesses that do things for very large communities. Some of the bigger organizations even donate hundreds of millions of dollars.

Some examples of philanthropy from popular companies include Target donating $1 million to the Red Cross following Hurricane Sandy’s hit on New York and New Jersey, Mattel giving scholarships to girls in developing countries who want to go to university, and PepsiCo giving $500,000 to help rebuild the Louisiana flood zone.


On a final note, Ram V Chary points out that philanthropy has proven to be a powerful tool for businesses to cultivate relationships with their local communities and other businesses. The practice of charitable giving allows businesses to support causes that align with their values and show a commitment to improving the world around them.

By participating in philanthropy, businesses gain opportunities to network and collaborate with other like-minded companies, forging important relationships that can fuel growth and innovation. Additionally, philanthropy provides a platform for companies to showcase their societal contributions, which can, in turn, generate positive publicity and attract new customers.

Veteran business leader Ram V Chary has released a number of blogs on business and leadership. Check them out by clicking this link.

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