Ram V Chary on Being a Responsible Corporate Leader

Ram V Chary: Responsible Leadership in Business

Image source: businesscollective.com

According to Ram V Chary, many qualities make a great business leader. However, which of these qualities separates the good from the great? Some would say it’s charisma. Some would say it’s determination. Others would say it’s intelligence. But what do all great leaders have in common?

Today, Ram V Chary looks at the most important qualities of a business leader.

First, they have a clear vision and strategy. A great business leader has a clear vision for their company and knows where to take it. They also have a well-defined strategy to get them there. Then, they are good communicators with their employees. The best business leaders know the importance of being open and transparent with their employees. They can give instructions to their staff in a way that gets the job done.

Image source: ceotodaymagazine.com

Next, Ram V Chary says that good leaders know how to motivate people. They have an uncanny ability to get the most out of their employees. As a result, they create a culture of success, and everyone around them can reach new heights. They are also knowledgeable about the industry that they are in. They know how to get ahead and where they want to go. Great leaders know everything about their industry inside and out, which helps them make the best decisions for their company.

A great business leader is also decisive. They know they need to make decisions quickly and effectively to succeed. They never let things drag out, and they always have the best interests of their company in mind. Finally, Ram V Chary says a true leader is a strategic thinker. They don’t just think about the short-term. They are also strategic thinkers who are always planning for the future. This automatic mindset allows them to stay ahead of the competition and continue to grow their company.

Read more of Ram V Chary‘s insights on business and leadership by subscribing to this blog.

Ram V Chary: Why Philanthropy is Good for Business

Ram V Chary on the Advantages of Business Philanthropy

Image source: thevideoink.com

As the world becomes more interconnected, company owners realize the importance of giving back to society. Ram V Chary believes doing so makes a difference and has several business benefits. Giving back can improve employee morale, attract socially conscious customers, and enhance a company’s reputation in the community. Moreover, social responsibility is becoming increasingly important for investors and stakeholders. By considering their impact beyond the bottom line, company owners can create a positive legacy for their businesses and contribute to a better future for all.

Today, Ram V Chary looks at some of these benefits.

For starters, business philanthropy raises brand value.

A 2010 Nielsen study found that participants had more positive associations with brands involved in philanthropic activities than they did with those which were not. In a 2011 survey by Cone Communications, 63 percent of consumers said they gravitated towards a brand associated with a good cause if it were available, and 80 percent of respondents said they felt positive about brands that engaged in philanthropy.

Next up, business philanthropy helps attract higher-quality employees.

Image source: givinga.com

The same Cone Communications survey that found that 63 percent of consumers would switch brands if given a choice also discovered that 41 percent of respondents would be more loyal to an organization associated with good works. Also, 60 percent said they would feel better about their job if it were connected to a cause. Lastly, 90 percent of Americans said they would feel more favorable toward a company involved in philanthropy.

Lastly, Ram V Chary says that business philanthropy helps improve employee morale.

The act of giving back can be good for an organization’s employees on another level as well. According to Craig Jelinek, CEO of Costco, when his company was going through a tough economic period, the best thing it ever did for its employees has put money in the United Way bucket. As James Heskett, a professor at Harvard Business School and author of The Culture Cycle notes, “Pennies from heaven often turn out to be dollars from employees’ pockets.”

Can you think of other advantages of business philanthropy? If you owned a business, what kind of philanthropic endeavor would you participate in?

Thank you for reading. For more on Ram V Chary and his work, visit this page.

Ram V Chary on Building a Consistent and Committed Team

Ram V Chary’s Insights on Developing Dependable Employees

Image source: pexels.com

Creating a cohesive, hardworking team is essential for any successful organization. By setting clear expectations and consistently holding employees accountable, you can build an environment that encourages commitment from the entire staff. Establishing trust between key players will also allow your group to take ownership of their responsibilities to easily reach common goals.

Every manager dreams of having a solid workforce. Getting team members to report to work with commitment and consistency is something leaders must strive for, shares Ram V Chary. Leaders must establish practices that elevate workplace morale. 

Image source: pexels.com

One of the ways managers can develop a stacked team is by cultivating a stress-free environment. While you can expect team members to feel stretched beyond their capacity, the overall environment makes it worthwhile. Encourage your team to take breaks when they need to. Give them time off to regain strength, productivity, and creativity. Setting up an effective communication system allows managers and team members to relay information to each other without disturbances. With a communication system in place, passing down instructions from leaders to team members can be effective and efficient. In this system, managers must harness collaboration within and outside the team.

Incentivizing learning and development lets employees know that their managers value them. Nothing beats a team constantly learning and applying their knowledge to daily processes. Training opportunities encourage teams to develop excellence and consistency in their work. Emphasizing accountability and responsibility lets employees know that what they do in the group is of value. Mistakes are part of growing. Team members would think their actions don’t affect the team without accountability. Proper correction and rebuilding will encourage employees to own their mistakes and learn from them.

Ram V Chary says a consistent and committed team is fresh air for managers and clients alike. A solid team is dependable, predictable, and overall successful. One other quality that consistent teams have is predictability. When a team is predictable, a manager knows what to do when members face challenges at work. Consistency isn’t a shield from mishaps but rather an assurance that your team can recover after a fall. 

Ram V Chary is a business professional who has served in various leadership positions, such as CEO, executive vice president, and technology division head. For more updates from Ram V Chary, visit this blog.

Ram V Chary Explores Five Best Cities In The USA For Graphic Designers

Image Source: Bing.com

Meta Description: Ram V Chary explores the five best cities in the USA that offer great opportunities for graphic designers’ growth and success.

Explore The Five Best Cities In the USA For Graphic Designers With Ram V Chary

If you’re a graphic designer who wants to make a mark in the industry, then one of the most important factors for success is choosing the right city. Every city offers different opportunities to help you break into the field and thrive; endless possibilities exist, from artistic hubs to job-market hot spots. Ram V Chary explores five US cities that are a haven for graphic designers, with valuable insights into why each city is so great for design professionals.

Each city offers its advantages and drawbacks, from bustling large metropolises full of artistic communities (at the cost of higher living expenses) to smaller towns with more reasonable costs but fewer opportunities. Ram V Chary emphasizes that it’s all about deciding what trade-offs you’re willing to make to pursue your dream job. Take some time to explore these specially selected destinations — each perfect for creative professionals like yourself.

Image Source: Bing.com

Austin, Texas

If you’re a Graphic Designer looking to add inspiration and variety to your work, look no further than the vibrant Texan city of Austin. Home to many buzzing tech startups, this Lone Star State is brimming with creative opportunities – so consider booking that ticket south. And while there’s always something going on in Silicon Valley East, get ready for SXSW (South by Southwest) when the yearly celebration of art takes over the streets – unleashing even more entertaining and innovative content across Austin.

Boston, Massachusetts

“Creative professionals in Graphic Design may want to consider setting up a shop in beautiful Boston,” says Ram V Chary. With a wide variety of great companies offering excellent salaries – like Liberty Mutual Insurance, Wayfair, and General Electric – this city offers rich potential for those interested. And let’s not forget about its unique art scene – from talented musicians at the renowned Boston Symphony Orchestra to inspiring architectural styles; it truly is an artist’s paradise.

Chicago, Illinois

Creative minds looking for a city that offers the perfect blend of cultural attractions, affordability, and opportunity will find what they seek in Chicago. From thrilling Blues Festivals to educational career options with salaries up to $55K annually, this “Windy City” is rich with exciting avenues. For those who want even more savings while staying close enough downtown enjoy world-renowned art galleries like Art Institute of Chicago or catch a laugh at Laugh Factory – Ram V Chary recommends Oak Forest or Midlothian, just 40 minutes away from all the action but boasting much lower suburban rates.

Miami, Florida

Miami is packed with hidden gems, from stunning beaches to vibrant city life. But for aspiring graphic designers, this sunny spot offers an even more tempting prize – a great salary plus low taxes and cost of living. With average design salaries topped off by lower expenses than in major cities like NYC or Chicago, it’s no wonder that many are flocking southward in search of their fortune.

San Francisco, California

San Francisco is a veritable hotbed of creative energy, boasting world-renowned tech, architecture, and music companies. From Apple to AT&T, it’s full of inspiring workspaces sure to spark your creativity – plus plenty of museums, galleries, and parks keep the local creatives motivated. With salaries up 16% higher than the national average for graphic designers, there’s no surprise so many flocks here seeking inspiration.

Graphic designers have an abundance of cities to choose from when it comes to exploring the perfect environment for their creative pursuits. For those in need of inspiration and a change of scenery, Ram V Chary shared five amazing places with unique cultural appeal and diverse career opportunities. From forming your home base or just taking advantage of every place you visit – identify which city best enables growth within your field. Embrace each opportunity that awaits: start by visualizing yourself thriving wherever possible– Good luck!

Ram V Chary on Effective Listening and Good Management

Ram V Chary Talks About the Importance of Effecting Listening

Image source: eslgold.com

According to Ram V Chary, a business’s success can hinge on their ability to properly listen – an often-overlooked component of communication. When done well, listening can bring harmony and cooperation in the workplace; however it is essential not to underestimate its power by approaching this critical skill haphazardly as doing so could have devastating consequences.

Ram V Chary sheds light on the two types of listening that are essential within today’s workforce. By exploring these key strategies, it is possible to develop an increased understanding and collaboration between colleagues.

Listening to Your Employees

Ram V Chary emphasizes the importance of staying connected and informed during an organization’s growth. Listening to employees is a key component in successful expansion as it helps those in management stay apprised of changes at ground level while accommodating increased personnel.

Listening to everyone greatly helps in this situation. Knowing about certain situations and concerns can help management make better decisions.

Image source: dreamstime.com

Listening to Your Peers

Business managers can benefit greatly from listening to their peers – it’s a great way to stay informed of trends, forecasts and any other pertinent info related to the business. Additionally, by conversing with more seasoned colleagues in their organization or field, young professionals have an opportunity for personal growth as they learn how best to manage a company.

The trick, though, here, Ram V Chary says, is to find the right people to listen to.

What are the ways you feel you can improve your listening skills? Feel free to share them with Ram V Chary in the comments below.

Ram V Chary has written a series of blogs on business and management. Click on this link to access his posts.

Ram V Chary on Becoming an Effective Leader at Work

Ram V Chary Talks About Developing Great Leadership at Work

Image source: Deputy.com

Everyone has their favorite boss at work, and it’s most likely that their favorite boss is an effective leader. Being a leader at work is a challenging feat, and some individuals in the corporate world might think that a leadership post is only gained through power or position. However, authentic leadership is earned through commitment, discipline, and competence, Ram V Chary shares.

Image source: lpsonline.sas.upenn.edu

One of the qualities a great leader must develop is vision. Maintaining the company’s vision at heart allows an individual to lead their team to heights aligned with their corporate values. Unlike regular employees, leaders excellently embody the company’s vision. Successful leaders have a positive influence on their peers. One of the main reasons leaders get far is because they have followers. In the workplace, changes usually happen outside the executive office. Positive changes in the workplace often start among employees led by an effective leader below the management, mentions Ram V Chary. It’s worth noting that to become an effective leader, one must inspire positive change within their team.

To make it far in the corporate world, one must have a growth mindset. Part of being a successful leader is being a lifelong learner. Make it a point to consistently hone your skills, competencies, and other qualities essential in the workplace. Pay attention to your emotional fitness, points out Ram V Chary. Flexibility and adaptability are two qualities effective leaders have. Injecting humor, confidence, creativity, and curiosity in challenging situations at work make leaders hard to resist.

Leaders know how to increase their value in their company. According to Ram V Chary, they exceed expectations by doing more than what’s expected of them. This could mean sharing their skills by training others to become more competent. In addition, being a leader in your team allows you to belong to circles that include some of the greatest individuals in your company. Belonging to such a circle will enable you to be mentored by the best people in the corporate sphere. Ram V Chary has a degree in economics from the University of Colorado and a master’s in finance and operations management from the Krannert School of Management at Purdue University. Visit this blog to read more posts from Ram V Chary.

Ram V Chary on Leading People and Taking Risks

Ram V Chary Talks About Leadership and Taking Risks


According to Ram V Chary, leaders often take calculated risks when making major decisions that can impact their company financially. Left, right, and center, a business leader, always makes decisions that affect one or several aspects of the company. This is why their view, skill, and experience in risk-taking are important. 

Calculating for risk is always important, Ram V Chary says. However, there are other ways by which a leader should approach risk-taking.

One of the best things to remember is that any risk taken should be made to serve the company. 

A good business leader will never risk the company’s and its employees’ well-being. Likewise, Ram V Chary explains that risky decisions should be made with the company’s mission in mind. Anything that can disrupt the status quo to generate profit is often left on the table.

Ram V Chary also says that you should take risks and that sometimes it’s okay to fail.


There are risks that can go south and still not affect your business as much as decisions that can outright ruin your company’s reputation. Leaders should always be prepared for the repercussions of failure.  

If you are working within margins, be prepared to make contingency plans that can soften the blow if failure is the outcome.

Lastly, you should always know when not to take risks.

Taking risks should never be a gamble. If good leaders were to make the decision to put the company at risk in order to become more profitable or find other ways to be more productive, they would choose the latter. Great leaders know when not to take risks, Ram V Chary adds.

Do you have experience in taking risks for your company? If you do, share your insights with Ram V Chary in the comments below.

Thank you.

Veteran business professional Ram V Chary has written a series of blogs on improving businesses. Access them here.

Executive Decision: Should You Get An MBA? Ram V Chary Answers

Ram V Chary Details the Benefits of an MBA Degree


Are you considering getting an MBA (Master of Business Administration) degree? It is a big step for aspiring managers if they want to thrive in a competitive business environment. The postgraduate program brings many advantages to degree holders, despite it being a challenging undertaking. Ram V Chary discusses some of the benefits of pursuing the degree.

Learn Management Skills

One of the foremost reasons for taking an MBA is the opportunity to learn and develop relevant skills. Some of the skills you can obtain are good leadership, marketing skills, crisis management, financial capabilities, and many more. Another advantage of pursuing an MBA is developing flexible management skills.

The business environment is undoubtedly demanding, especially considering that people encounter numerous internal and external challenges. There are some skills that you can gain from MBA that are unavailable in undergraduate degrees.


Explore New Possibilities

There are times when you find yourself looking to make a career pivot. Enrolling in an MBA degree can give insights into what to do and which industry might fit your character and competence. In addition, you can gain exposure to peers and faculty working in other industries in MBA courses. Also, class projects and case studies will let you dive deeply into various sectors.

Future-Proof Your Career

It is common for seasoned business professionals like Ram V Chary to discuss the importance of “future-ready skills.” More and more organizations and businesses are looking for employees and leaders with talent and qualities like empathy, self-awareness, learning agility, and more. You can acquire these characteristics as you get an MBA degree.

Network with Others

One of the most notable advantages you can gain when enrolling in a business school is the opportunity to become a part of a community of present and future business leaders. For instance, a school can have a global alumni network spanning over 50,000 individuals.

Ram V Chary has served in various leadership positions in various companies. Outside his work, he enjoys watching sports and supports the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Learn more about him when you visit this page.

How Purpose And Accountability Drive Business


Ram V Chary explains that accountability and purpose are two integral elements of a sustainable business. While qualities such as resilience and adaptability keep a company relevant in the global market and up to speed with its competitors, being accountable and aligned with its purpose help a business stay in the race for longer.

According to Ram V Chary, business leaders need to know their purpose before establishing companies or leading teams. A personal purpose aligned with a company’s mission and vision allows a business leader to confidently navigate their post. One of the best ways to remain purposeful and accountable is by outlining company goals that align with individual desires. Pursuing goals that express passion and personal identity makes managing a business much more engaging.


For many, a passion turned into a business can mean expense rather than revenue. But, driven by purpose, a business leader can turn their passion project into a company that reaps untold benefits. The road to success might be long and full of obstacles, but an entrepreneur mustn’t turn away from such challenges. Instead, business leaders ought to be accountable and responsible for bringing their company to the heights they dream of and work for. When faced with trials, one’s universal and timeless purpose must offer them the boost they need to overcome and endure.

A business owner’s responsibility is to build a solid team that will support their company, shares Ram V Chary. Entrepreneurs who prosper know they must ask for help from other experts, especially in areas where they might lack knowledge. Business owners need to share their passion with their team members. When their passion and drive falter, their team will quickly to remind them of their purpose and redirect their gaze to the prize instead of the present challenges.

Ram V Chary is a business professional who has served in several leadership posts such as CEO, technology division head, and executive vice president. For more updates from Ram V Chary, head over to this page.

Business Discussion: Key People to Have Around When Setting Up Your Company


When starting a company, be sure you are in contact with all the important people. In this article, Ram V Chary will look at some key personalities and their responsibilities when setting up an enterprise.

When starting a business, Ram V Chary says that there are many legal requirements that you must follow to ensure your venture is legitimate and can be carried out successfully. There are several people you need to think about besides typical roles such as CEO or administrator.

First, there is the company secretary, as known as the corporate secretary or compliance officer. Despite what the name may suggest, the company secretary is not a clerical position; rather, the company secretary ensures that the business adheres to all legal requirements. They report directly to the board of directors. Their other responsibilities include negotiating contracts on behalf of the company, ensuring minutes are kept for meetings, signing documents on behalf of the company, and being responsible for the annual audit.

As for the company auditor, the board of directors appoints them to examine and report on the company’s financial statements. Their role is to express an opinion on financial reports, which helps companies maintain their credibility in front of lenders and other creditors.


Next is the company liquidator, who is responsible for winding up the affairs of a company when it ceases to operate or is sold off after all assets have been auctioned or disposed of. Company liquidators collect the company’s assets, pay any debts, and distribute the remaining funds to the company shareholders. In addition, the company liquidator must ensure that all creditors have been paid and that all assets have been sold or otherwise disposed of before they can dissolve a company, explains Ram V Chary.

What other key people do you think are needed in a startup? Please share them with Ram V Chary in the comments section below.

More on Ram V Chary thoughts and insights on business and management are featured on this page.